Our advice for good healing

10 Essential Tips for Proper Piercing Healing: Our Golden Rules

Proper healing of a piercing requires, above all, appropriate and conscientious care! The first few weeks are the most critical and important. Piercing is a team effort: the piercer has done his or her job, now it's up to you to take care of it properly. Don't worry, it's within anyone's reach.

To help you, we have prepared 10 golden rules to always keep in mind during this period:

Tip #1: Listen to your piercer and follow their instructions

After your piercing , your piercer will give you instructions on the precautions to take for proper healing. Listen carefully !

These instructions are specific to the type and location of the piercing. It is essential to follow these recommendations to ensure optimal recovery.

Information Your piercer is a true professional. He knows his job and his equipment, the care he asks of you is specific to the piercing performed in many cases. Do not ask advice from your friend "who knows about it" or from Google who will surely have many answers but never the one that will be adapted to your specific case.

If you have any questions about these care instructions for your new piercing, please ask your piercer.

Tip #2: Keep your piercing clean

Keeping your piercing clean is essential to prevent any problems and promote a healthy recovery for your body.

You should clean your piercing twice a day with a saline solution and/or a pH neutral soap.

Information You don't use disinfectant to clean your piercing! As its name suggests, disinfectant is there to treat an infection. Applying it in advance will dry out your skin and prolong the healing time.

You can use a store-bought or drugstore saline solution, but be sure to read the label to make sure it's safe for your skin. If necessary, ask your piercer

To clean your piercing, start by washing your hands properly. Then, soak a cotton ball, a Q-tip or, ideally, a sterile non-woven compress, in the saline solution and apply it to the piercing. Gently clean the surrounding area, being careful not to twist or turn the jewelry.

And no, perfume or alcohol will NEVER replace the care product recommended by your piercer.

Tip #3: Avoid touching your piercing

It is essential to avoid touching your piercing, especially without washing your hands first.

Touching your piercing can introduce bacteria into the canal, or impurities, which can lead to infection. It can also delay the healing process by irritating the piercing.

If you must touch your piercing, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water beforehand.

Tip #4: Don’t change your jewelry too soon

Be patient!

It is important to keep your initial jewelry (break, also called prosthesis) until it is completely healed. If you change it too early, it can damage the piercing and delay its healing (yes, again).

Your piercer will let you know when it is safe to change your jewelry. This is usually when the piercing is completely healed. If you are unsure when it is safe to change it, don't hesitate to ask.

Avis clients :

Tip #5: Watch for signs of infection

If you take proper care of your piercing, you should not experience any problems. However, it is essential to watch for signs of an early infection after getting a piercing.

Some of the most common signs to look out for include: redness, swelling, pain, and a yellowish discharge from the piercing. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is important to consult your piercer or see a doctor if the infection is not caught in time.

Treated at the right time, this type of problem is extremely curable but in some cases it must be treated with antibiotics. In the most serious cases, it may be necessary to remove the piercing to avoid other more serious complications.

Tip #6: Hydrate and eat well

It may seem trivial, but a healthy lifestyle will help your piercing heal more quickly.

Drinking plenty of water helps flush out toxins and promote healthy skin. A balanced diet can provide your metabolism with all the nutrients it needs to heal properly.

Tip #7: Be patient and don’t rush the healing process

It is important to be patient and not rush the healing process. This time can vary depending on the type of piercing and its location but also on the individual. It is crucial to follow the instructions provided and allow the necessary time for healing: patience is the key to safety.

Tip #8: Seek professional help if necessary

There are no stupid questions. If you have any doubts, ask your piercer (without sending him messages every morning, common sense is often your best ally).

If you are experiencing complications with your piercing, it is essential to seek professional help. Your piercer or a healthcare professional can provide you with the help you need to ensure your piercing heals properly.

Tip #9: Avoid humid environments like swimming pools, hot tubs and baths

It is important to avoid swimming pools, hot tubs, spas and baths until your piercing is completely healed.

These environments can introduce bacteria into the piercing, which can lead to several issues. It is best to wait until your piercing is fully healed before exposing it to these environments.

Generally speaking, we will avoid anything that is stagnant water for obvious hygiene reasons (stagnant water = proliferation of bacteria).

Tip #10: Pay attention to your physical activities

It is essential to be careful about your activities after getting a piercing.

Activities such as sports or intense physical exercise can irritate the piercing and, once again, delay healing. Common sense is and always will be your best friend: you don't get a piercing on Friday or Saturday, when you know that on Sunday you have a boxing / horse riding / synchronized cup and ball competition.

See our article on piercing and sport.

It is best to avoid these physical activities until your piercing is fully healed. Note that usually the pain generated by unexpected friction on a recent piercing will calm down on its own.

Why is piercing aftercare important?

After getting a piercing, your body will try to heal the wound as quickly as possible. However, a piercing is not like a cut or scrape on your skin. It is a break in the skin made to your body, and it takes time for it to heal. Piercing aftercare is essential for several reasons.

First of all, good follow-up helps prevent almost all problems . Infection is one of the complications that can occur despite all the precautions taken by your piercer if you do not follow his instructions, it can be painful and dangerous. Good follow-up helps reduce the risk of infection in the piercing area.

Second, taking care of your piercing will help it heal properly and quickly. If you neglect your piercing or don't follow the right recommendations, it will take longer than necessary to heal. It can also lead to complications that may require a visit to your doctor, and of course, it will also delay your jewelry change. Be careful not to take care of it more than necessary, however, or you risk seeing the opposite effect: a longer healing time.

Finally, proper care will help you avoid any unnecessary pain or discomfort. A piercing may be painful at first, but it shouldn't be painful for long. With the right care, you can reduce any pain or discomfort associated with the piercing .

To go into more detail, here is our article where you will find all the fundamentals of ear piercings .

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