Helix Piercing: The Complete Guide

If you're considering getting a new ear cartilage piercing, the helix is ​​definitely one of the most popular piercings.

We will talk to you about the price of this piercing, the pain it causes, the care to take for good healing and finally, what choice of jewelry for a helix piercing .

Make yourself comfortable, we’ll explain everything to you!

What is helix piercing: follow the guide Piercing done by Chloé / INSTAGRAM

In summary:

Placement: Top of ear.

Price: Between 30 and 70€ on average

Pain: Between 2/10 and 4/10

Healing time: Between 3 and 6 months

Care: Clean twice a day with saline solution or antibacterial soap (neutral pH). Do not sleep on it. Do not play with or spin your jewelry.


Avis clients :

What is a helix piercing?

Well, first of all, let's start by introducing you to the helix piercing and where it is located on your ear.

As you can see in the presentation image of this text, this piercing is located at the very top of the cartilage of the ear, called the external ear.

Designation of the helix piercing area on a virgin ear Image from the website passeportsante.net

There are different variations of this piercing, such as the low helix, the mid-helix or the anti-helix (forward helix). We will go into a little more detail by presenting the different types that exist today.


Important information:

As a fitting jewel, we never start with a ring. It is a labret in ASTM F-136 titanium , 316LVM steel (still very rare, so don't get fooled), 14 or 18 carat gold, or possibly bioplast. The perfect jewel for optimal healing is a labret with internal screwing, mirror polishing, in ASTM F-136 titanium and with a round and flat foot.

The different variants

The Double and the Triple

If one piercing is good, two or three is even better! If your body type lends itself to it (because yes, not everything is necessarily possible on everyone), you can get pierced several times and it will be called a double if you get pierced 2 times, a triple if you get pierced 3 times, etc.

If you decide to get a triple or double helix, make sure there is enough space between the piercings to be able to change your jewelry safely but also to be able to clean them easily. Well, a priori this is the job of your piercer and if you choose him correctly, you will not have to think about this kind of details for him.

Presentation of a triple helix Triple piercing for this ear - @piercing_annonay_07 / instagram

The anti-helix (Forward helix)

If you follow the curve of the top of your ear until it meets your face, that little hollow in your ear is the anti-helix piercing , also called a forward helix.

As with the helix, you can choose a double or triple piercing. It is usually paired with small, thin, delicate diamonds on labrets, but you can also style it with hoops.

The Mid-Helix

It's not complicated, it's located just below a classic helix, and just above the low helix. If you look at the previous image where you are shown a triple helix, the mid helix would be located the lowest of the three.

The low helix

The low helix is ​​located just above the earlobe, right where the lobe begins and your cartilage ends.

Low helix piercing @Lynnloheide / INSTAGRAM

The Hidden Helix: a discreet and elegant alternative

Hidden helix by Chloé / Annonay Piercing

For those looking for a subtle yet sophisticated look, the Hidden Helix piercing is a great option. Unlike the classic helix piercing, the Hidden Helix is ​​placed slightly further back on the curve of the ear, making it less visible at first glance, depending on the jewelry chosen. This strategic positioning makes it a preferred choice for those who like to be discreet or who must adhere to strict dress codes at work or in other settings.

Despite its discretion, this piercing requires as much care as a classic helix, especially during the healing period. In addition, it is essential to choose a suitable jewel, such as a titanium or gold labret, to guarantee optimal comfort and avoid irritation. With a competent piercer, this style can become a real aesthetic asset while remaining subtle and refined.

This type of piercing perfectly reflects the balance between personal style and practicality, allowing everyone to express themselves while respecting the constraints of everyday life.


Little tip:

We strongly recommend that you do not get the cartilage of both ears pierced at the same time. On the one hand, to be able to concentrate properly on the care to be applied (especially if it is your first) and on the other hand, to be able to sleep properly. Because yes, you will look thin if you are forced to spend your next nights in pharaoh mummy mode without moving during your sleep.

Piercing humor: when you had both ears done at the same time
When you try to sleep while you got both ears pierced at the same time.

The cost of this piercing

The price of this piercing can vary depending on the studio you go to, the experience level of the piercer, and the type of jewelry you choose. But generally it will be around 20 and 50 euros.

WARNING! Never go to a piercer who uses a gun for any cartilage piercing. These guns cause trauma to the cartilage that can lead to bumps, keloids, and even lifelong pain. (No thanks!) In addition, guns cannot be sterilized unlike needles, which increases the risk of transmitting diseases. We'll let you imagine how many times this gun was used before being placed on your ear...

Pain and healing time

This is where earlobe and cartilage piercings really differ. Pain is a personal thing, and each person's pain tolerance is 100% subjective. But there is still a difference between the two.

Does a helix piercing hurt?

Like all piercings, it's not without pain. Well, that said, many people say it hurts less than other cartilage piercings (hello Daith and Indus). We're generally talking more about a pinching or warm feeling than actual pain.

On a scale of 1 to 10, let's say it's going to go from 2 to 4. 10 being absolute hell and 1 being when you pull a hair out.

Keep in mind that while the piercing itself may not cause much pain, it may become red and itchy after a few days. Don't worry! This is completely normal.

If, on the other hand, it still hurts after several months or a year, there is probably a problem somewhere: unsuitable jewelry, too short, snagged too often, poor quality material ( we can't count the number of piercings we've had to change because they were bought from a "big designer" who was trendy on social media ). First piece of advice if this is your case: go see your piercer. Second piece of advice: get medical grade titanium (ASTM F-136). That's good, because that's exactly what we're offering you.

How long does it take for it to heal?

A helix piercing typically heals within 6 months, faster than many other cartilage piercings.

We are talking about 6 months provided you do not spend your time fiddling with it, if the care is applied correctly and if you have not bought a so-called stainless steel jewel but which is in fact level 0 of quality. Seriously, stop playing with your health and know the difference between quality and marketing and stop getting ripped off.

Aftercare for Piercing

Want to give your new piercing the best chance of healing as quickly as possible? Then read on for the best post-piercing tips!

What is the best way to clean your piercing?

Like all piercings, it is very important to keep your piercing clean so that it heals properly. Use saline solution and a cotton swab to gently clean around your upper cartilage.

When washing your hair, let warm water run over the piercing for about 15-30 seconds to rinse it before drying your piercing with a clean cotton cloth and then cleaning it with saline solution.

Refrain from touching it until you are sure the piercing is completely healed, and never touch it with dirty hands.

To go further, take a look at our 10 tips for perfect healing of your piercings .

What should I do if my piercing gets infected?

Unless you spend your time fiddling with your dirty hands, if the work has been done properly beforehand, the helix piercing is not particularly at risk of getting infected. We start with this because very often you worry a little too much and pain on a piercing still in the healing phase is completely normal.

On the other hand, if it remains red for several weeks, if you see pus coming out of it (not to be confused with lymph, eh), if the pain only increases, go see your piercer quickly. Or your doctor. An infection in a piercing can be treated very well and very easily. As long as you don't let it settle in for days. So be vigilant but don't be alarmed at the first redness either.

It is normal to experience mild discomfort, swelling, tenderness, itching, bruising or pain, but these symptoms usually only last a few weeks.

What should I do if my helix doesn't heal?

Consult a professional piercer if your piercing takes too long to heal. Even if you have a high tolerance for pain. It may be that the jewelry is not suitable (by its size, shape or composition) or that the care is not applied correctly. If it comes from the jewelry (which is mostly the case), opt for titanium, the difference is really obvious and above all, stop trying to put a ring until your piercing is healed.

What jewelry for the helix

The great thing about this piercing is that it's super easy to customize! Choose from hoops, labrets, and style this piercing however you want.

Don't hesitate to take a look at our collection of helix jewelry .

Reminder: No ring on a piercing that has not yet healed.

When can I change my jewelry?

To be able to change your jewelry, the first rule is: wait until the healing has progressed well. To do this, you must wait until the upper cartilage of the ear is completely healed before changing your piercing. We generally talk about leaving the prosthesis in place for at least 3 months . This does not mean that your helix is ​​completely healed, but if it is done correctly, the healing time will not be impacted.

Either way, talk to your piercer before making this decision yourself. Again, especially if this is your first piercing.

We explain how to change your helix piercing .

Where can I find matching jewelry?

I'm glad you asked!

Nåald was founded by two people who are passionate and professional in piercing. We have created a collection of beautiful rings and labrets , all made of medical grade titanium of course. We never compromise on quality, but our prices are designed for people who want to wear beautiful ornate jewelry without spending their monthly salary on it.

What type of jewelry is used for this type of piercing?

Avoid discount sites with questionable quality materials. Even if the sites in question are run by trendy designers on social networks. We do not compromise with our health. Always choose high-quality jewelry. Solid gold and titanium are excellent options because they are hypoallergenic and promote the healing process.

Although piercings are traditionally decorated with small cartilage rings, the style depends on your anatomy and taste. Flat back and round labrets will also look great on your ear to give it a new look

How to change the helix jewel?

Change is good (as long as your piercing is healed)! This type of piercing is easily replaceable - just make sure it is fully healed before trying to change the jewelry.

If you're using a labret, simply twist or remove the top to remove your jewelry. If you're using a ring, open it by spreading the two ends apart. And there you have it! A whole new look in less than a minute!

For more details, we invite you to read our article on how to change your piercing yourself .

What size should I choose for my piercing jewelry?

When it comes to choosing jewelry, size matters!

Like most cartilage piercings, the helix is ​​usually pierced with 16 gauge needles, which are 1.2 mm thick. Small hoops are a popular choice for this placement.

8mm (length) labrets are generally suitable for most ear piercings, but the perfect size will always depend on the curvature of your ear and where the piercing was placed.

If you need it, here is a little size guide for piercings .

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