Cartilage Piercing: What You Need to Know Before You Get Started

Rédigé par : Naald Piercing | Dernière mise à jour : 14 Dec 24

Cartilage Piercing: What You Need to Know

Naald professional piercer


Cartilage piercing is an increasingly popular trend in body modification. However, for a safe and enjoyable experience, it is essential to be well prepared and know what to expect before you step through the doors of a piercing salon. Following the right advice will ensure optimal healing and reduce the risk of potential complications.

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1. Choose the right piercing salon

The safety of your piercing depends largely on the choice of the salon. Choose a salon that is known for its professionalism , its strict adherence to hygiene rules, and that uses sterile, single-use tools. An experienced piercer minimizes risks and ensures a safe piercing. Avoid places that use a piercing gun, as this can cause damage to the cartilage.

Why not go to a jeweler for your piercing? The answer is in our article.

2. Cost of piercing

The price of a cartilage piercing can vary greatly depending on the salon, the quality of the jewelry, and the type of piercing. Expect a cost between $40 and $80 on average. Having an accurate budget is important to avoid surprises.

Keep in mind that some salons display a piercing price without including the jewelry. To avoid being caught off guard, always check if the jewelry is included in the price. A common mistake is to think that “the piercing costs €40”, without knowing that a quality piece of jewelry can cost up to €80, bringing the total to €120. This type of additional cost can be surprising, so do your research!

3. Pain level

Cartilage piercings are generally more painful than classic earlobe piercings because the cartilage is thicker and stronger. However, the pain felt is very subjective and varies from person to person. Here is a diagram that allows you to visualize the pain associated with each area of ​​​​ear piercing.

Pain distribution diagram for ear cartilage piercing

Learn more about pain levels in our complete guide to ear piercings .

4. Healing time

A cartilage piercing requires a longer healing time than an earlobe piercing. Healing varies depending on placement and can take anywhere from 4 months to 1 year. Note that healing occurs from the outside in, which can give the appearance of healing before the skin is truly healed.

Following the care instructions given by your piercer will help speed up healing and avoid complications. The more attentive you are, the more you will optimize your healing.

5. Piercing care

Meticulous care is essential to promote healing. Clean the piercing twice a day with a mild saline solution. Avoid harsh products like soaps, hydrogen peroxide, or alcohol, which can irritate the skin.

Check out our 10 essential tips for good healing in our complete guide.

6. Precautions to take

During healing, there are certain activities that should be avoided to minimize the risk of complications. For example, avoid swimming pools and hot tubs, do not sleep on the pierced ear, and do not touch the piercing unnecessarily. Be careful with your hair and clothing to avoid pulling on the jewelry.

7. Monitoring for signs of complications

Watch for signs of a possible complication, such as persistent redness, swelling, or sharp pain. Infection is rare, but irritation can occur. If in doubt, don't wait, consult your piercer immediately.

8. In case of infection

If an infection occurs, do not remove the jewelry yourself. This could trap the infection inside. Keep the jewelry in place to allow natural drainage and seek professional help promptly for appropriate treatment.

9. Preparation before piercing

Before your appointment, learn about the process and take some precautions. Choose the right side based on your sleeping position, prepare appropriate care, and avoid activities that could disrupt healing in the days that follow.

How should I prepare before getting a piercing?

10. Choice of jewelry

The first piece of jewelry you choose for a piercing is very important. While it may not always be the most aesthetically pleasing, it should be simple and suitable for proper healing. Ask if the salon uses titanium jewelry or other hypoallergenic materials to ensure your comfort and safety.

11. Healing

Healing times vary from person to person. Expect 3-6 months for a basic cartilage piercing and up to 15 months for more complex ones. Follow your piercer's recommendations and be patient to ensure optimal healing.


Getting a cartilage piercing is a decision that requires careful thought and preparation. By following these tips, you will maximize your chances of success and minimize complications. If problems arise, always consult a professional. Prevention is the key to a positive piercing experience!

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